Wisconsin’s Supreme Court struck down the Safer at Home order on 5/13/2020 and offered no stay or delay to the lifting of existing restrictions.  This has created a hodgepodge of various county level restrictions across the state and no small amount of confusion and conflict.


At The Hiker Box we feel that the order is gone, but the virus is still present. 

As Summer begins we feel that the risk to our rural community is currently increasing due to the tourism we welcome each year and the travel that is inherent in that industry.  We welcome our friends and neighbors who visit us each Summer and that has not changed.  The risk that comes with the travel and visitors has changed. 


We have taken steps to reduce the risk of infection for our customers and staff and all of their families.  

  • ·         Masks or other face covering are required to be worn when in the store.  We understand and regret that some people won't wear them and we suggest they shop with us online.
  • ·         We limit the number of people in the store to 5.  We understand some family groups are large and we’re not inflexible.  If you’re already a family unit then being in the shop together doesn’t change your risk to one another – we just need to be asked first.  We might already have 3 individuals shopping and need to take some time to arrange for adequate social distance. 
  • ·         We keep hand sanitizer and wipes at the front desk so you can clean your hands or any item you are concerned about.
  • ·         While dressing rooms are open, we ask that any item not purchased be returned directly to us for sanitizing before it goes back into stock.
  • ·         We’re cleaning the counters, the doors, the bench outside, anything we know gets touched a lot multiple times daily with antiseptic wipe downs. 
  • ·         We have discontinued the whiteboard wall at this time.  Sorry, we all love it, but the markers and wall get so much handling that we feel the risk simply is too great.
  • ·         We are doing free shipping and free curbside  pickup through this web store.
  • ·         We are allowing employees to work remotely.  Not all of our work can be done remotely.  But some can and our employees are doing remote work, mostly adding media and item descriptions to the web store.
  • ·         New products are delayed a little as we now sanitize the boxes and have a wait period before these items are handled by us.
  • ·         New operating hours.  We are open 10-5, 7 days a week until further notice.  We need a little more time to clean and we’re bringing in less help in store to reduce exposure for our employees. 
  • ·         We’re selling masks.  We have a mask that sells for $3 and a really nice one for $16.  While supplies are available, of course.


These are things we feel are necessary for public safety and for that of our customers, our employees and their families.  Please come visit us when you can – and wear a mask.


Thursday - Tuesday 10AM - 5PM Closed Wednesday 211 S. Railroad Street, Downtown Eagle River, WI +715-337-2161