Camping 101 Pocket Guide

Product Code:978-1-58355-552-1
Type:Quick Guides


Available for In-Store Pick Up

An indispensable guide for the novice or occasional camper, Camping 101 teaches the basics of camping and camp craft. It includes packing checklists, tips for choosing a campsite and setting up a safe camp, knot-tying, fire-lighting and classic camp recipes. Also included is a review of dangerous animals and plants, basics of wilderness first aid and a guide to navigating constellations in the night sky. Laminated for durability, this lightweight, pocket-sized folding guide is an excellent source of portable information and ideal for field use by campers of all ages. Made in the USA.

Thursday - Tuesday 10AM - 5PM Closed Wednesday 211 S. Railroad Street, Downtown Eagle River, WI +715-337-2161